Revised 08/2021
SIUE Intramural Sports
Table Tennis
All games will be governed by the USA Table Tennis Rule Book (USATT) with the following SIUE Intramural Sports
Players & Equipment
Each participant must present a current Cougar ID Card in order to be eligible to participate.
Each participant must sign a liability waiver.
Eligible Participants: Students, Staff/Faculty with Student Fitness Center Memberships.
All participants must have an IMLeagues account and be on the appropriate team roster to be eligible.
Each team shall consist of 2 players. Both players must be present to begin a game. If singles, teams
consist of one player.
Shoes: Tennis shoes are the recommended footwear. Players may not play barefoot. No boots, loafers, or
non-athletic shoes may be worn. Tennis shoes must be approved court shoes that have a non-marking sole.
Jewelry: No jewelry or any other item deemed dangerous by the Intramural Staff may be worn. Any player
wearing exposed permanent jewelry (i.e. body piercings) will not be permitted to play. Medical alert
bracelets must be secured to the participant.
Players may wear soft, pliable pads or braces on the leg, knee, or ankle. Braces may not have any exposed
metal or screws. Braces made of any rigid materials (including plastic) must be covered with protective
padding for safety reasons. Under no circumstances will a player wearing a cast or splint be permitted to
If eyeglasses are worn, they must be unbreakable. Each player is responsible for the safety of his/her own
Playing Surface
All games will be played in the Student Fitness Center, unless otherwise noted.
Only players participating and a coach are permitted in the playing area. Spectators must remain outside of
the playing area.
Game Format
All matches will consist of a best 3 out of 5 games. The first team scoring 15 will be declared the winner,
teams do not need to win by 2. If a 5
match is necessary, the first team scoring 11 points will be declared
the winner.
A coin toss at the beginning of the match will determine which team serves first. Teams will alternate serves
every 5 points. The starting server will alternate each game. If at the end of the game the score is tied 15-15,
the server changes and continues to change after each point until one player scores two consecutive points,
thus winning the game.
Game time is forfeit time, if a team does not have the minimum number of players necessary to start a
match, the game is declared a forfeit.
o Grace Period: A team may be offered a 10-minute grace period from the original start time to obtain
the minimum number of players required to participate.
Scoring & Game Play
Table Tennis will utilize rally scoring, meaning that a point will be awarded after each rally.
Serves must be made diagonally, and servers must alternate sides after each serve.
The server puts the ball into play by tossing it into the air from the palm of one hand and striking it with the
paddle (held in the other hand) so that it hits their own court. The ball goes over the net and hits the receiver's
Revised 08/2021
SIUE Intramural Sports
Table Tennis
court. The receiver must return the ball over the net so that it hits the server's court. Play continues until one
player fails to make a legal return. The opponent then scores a point.
o If the ball hits the net on the serve and goes over, it is a LET and the server serves again. However, if
the second serve is a LET, the player loses the point.
o For Doubles: The server shall first make a good service, the receiver shall then make a good return,
the partner of the server shall then make a good return. The partner of the receiver shall then make a
good return, the server shall then make a good return and thereafter each player alternately in that
sequence shall make a good return.
After each game teams will switch ends of the table.
Team Conduct & Sportsmanship
The official(s)/supervisor(s) shall have the authority to warn, penalize, or disqualify any player(s), substitute,
or coach for violations of sportsmanship including, but not limited to, the following:
o Disrespectfully addressing an official or staff member.
o Questioning the official’s/supervisor’s judgment or decisions.
o Use of disconcerting acts or words when an opponent is about to play the ball.
o Showing disgust with official’s decisions.
o Using profane or insulting language or gestures toward an official/supervisor or other player.
o Baiting players of the opposing team
o Disrupting the game so that it may not be continued in an orderly fashion.
Coaches, players, and spectators conducting themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner shall be assessed
penalties in the following manner:
o A yellow card will be issued as a warning.
o A second yellow card results in a point/loss of rally awarded to the opponent. This is equivalent to a
red card.
o A red card issued alone for a single offense will result in a point/loss of rally to the opponent. A red
card will also result in an ejection for the offending player from the remainder of the match.
A sportsmanship score will be awarded to each participating team after every game. An average of the points from
each game will factor into team standings. The following scale will be used to rate all teams in all contests played:
4: Excellent, no problems.
3: Occasional problems, some verbal dissent.
2: Unreasonable comments and conduct.
1: Continuous verbal dissent, unreasonable conduct.
Statement of Inclusion Language for Intramural Sports Department
SIUE Campus Recreation is dedicated to providing a positive intramural sports experience for students of all
abilities. Please contact Sarah Ortiz ([email protected] or 618-650-3245) at the Student Fitness Center, Room 1524,
to discuss options should you require an accommodation to fully participate in the Intramural Sports program
because of a disability or impairment.