Page 1 of 8 Applicant Signature: ________________ Date: ___________
235 Promenade Street, Room 370
Providence, Rhode Island 02908
BROKER, OR REMOTE SALES (version 4 December 2017)
Guidance & Instructions: Application for Rescues, Shelters, etc. (updated for 2018)
Name of REGISTRANT Entity (Rescue/Shelter etc.): _____________________________________
Name of REGISTRANT Primary contact: _______________________________________________
Rescue/Shelter etc. Address (No P.O. Boxes): ____________________________________________
Town / City: ___________________________________ State: ________ Zip Code: _____________
Telephone: ____________________________________ Fax: ________________________________
Email: ________________________________________ Website: _____________________________
Mail Address (if different from above): ________________________________________________
Town / City: ___________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: _____________
New License
License type
(Select ONE):Category A Category B RI Dogs/Cats ONLY (Does NOT Import)
As defined in Rule 8 of Rules and Regulations Governing the Importation of Animals (10/8/15)
Check which Licensed Releasing Agency (As defined in RI General Law 4-19):
RESCUE "Animal rescue" or "rescue" means an entity, without a physical brick-and-mortar facility, that
is owned, operated, or maintained by a duly incorporated humane society, animal welfare society, society for
the prevention of cruelty to animals, or other nonprofit organization devoted to the welfare, protection, and
humane treatment of animals intended for adoption.
SHELTER "Animal shelter" means a brick-and-mortar facility that is used to house or contain animals
and that is owned, operated, or maintained by a duly incorporated humane society, animal welfare society,
society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, or other nonprofit organization devoted to the welfare,
protection, and humane treatment of animals.
BROKER “Animal Broker” shall mean any third party who arranges, delivers, or otherwise facilitates
transfer of ownership of animal(s), through adoption or fostering, from one party to another, whether or not
the party receives a fee for providing that service and whether or not the party takes physical possession of
the animal(s) at any point.
REMOTE SALE “Remote Sale” shall mean the retail purchase of any animal without first having the
opportunity to physically observe or handle the animal, as commonly occurs in internet sales or phone order
sales of animals.
DEM Use Only:
Number: ____________/____________
Approved By: _____________________
Date: ____________________________
Online Reporting: _________________
Fill form out completely even if renewal. NOTE: Incomplete Applications may be rejected
and returned. Fillable PDF Form can be filled out and then printed and submitted via fax, postal
mail, or scanned and emailed. Keep a copy for your records.
Page 2 of 8 Applicant Signature: ________________ Date: ___________
Rhode Island Point of Contact
Per Section 1.8 (D) (4) Rules and Regulations Governing the Importation of Animals (10/8/15) all entities:
Must identify a Point of Contact who resides within the State of Rhode Island responsible
for maintaining and producing all records that the Department may lawfully request.
A copy of ALL required records must be kept by the designated Point of Contact.
Rhode Island Point of Contact: __________________________________________________
Address (No P. O. Boxes): _____________________________________________________________
Town / City: ___________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: _____________
Telephone: ___________________________________ Fax: ________________________________
Email: _______________________________________ Website: _____________________________
After Hours / Emergency Contact Name / Telephone:
Name: ________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________
Business Hours
(If no “brick and mortar” facility, indicate suitable hours to contact for questions, concerns, trace backs, etc.)
Sun: _____ to _____ Mon: _____ to _____ Tue: _____ to _____ Wed: _____ to _____
Thu: _____ to _____ Fri: _____ to _____ Sat: _____ to _____
Proof of Non-Profit Status is required annually for Rescue and Shelter
Indicate which of the following and provide supporting documentation:
Federal 501 (c) 3 □ Rhode Island Domestic Non-Profit □ Other State Domestic Non-Profit
Supporting documentation attached demonstrating current status (within last filing year)
Is Rescue/Shelter/Broker/etc. licensed/registered in any other State(s)? Yes No
Licensing Agency (USDA/ State/County/ Municipal): _____________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: __________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Fax: ____________________________
Is ENTITY affiliated with a State / Municipal / County Animal Control? YES NO
If yes, please identify State(s), City(s), Town(s), and /or County(s) and contact information for
Supervising Animal Control Officer(s):__________________________________________________
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SOURCE of Animals:
Use additional pages or lines on page SEVEN if necessary.
**********P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE**********
1) Privately owned, relinquished animals* (Within RI) YES NO
2) Privately owned, relinquished animals* (NOT in RI) YES NO
*Enter COMPLETE Source information on Online Reporting System and Rescue Animal Identification Record.
3) Rhode Island Private Shelter / Entity: YES □ NO □
Name of RI SHELTER (ENTITY):_____________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: ___________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Email: ___________________________
4) Rhode Island Pound / Municipal Animal Control Facility: YES □ NO □
Name of RI Facility (ENTITY):_______________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: __________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Email: ___________________________
5) Out-of-State Private Shelter (NOT in RI): YES □ NO □
Name of SHELTER (ENTITY):________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: __________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Email: ___________________________
6) Out-of-State Municipal /County Animal Control Facility (NOT in RI) YES □ NO □
Name of Facility (ENTITY):___________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: ___________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Email: ___________________________
7) Other: ______________________________________________________ YES □ NO □
Name of Facility (ENTITY):___________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: ___________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Email: ___________________________
Page 4 of 8 Applicant Signature: ________________ Date: ___________
List all other EMPLOYEES and/or VOLUNTEERS in Rhode Island
(Use additional pages or lines on page SEVEN as necessary and update as needed)
Entity MANAGER: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: __________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Email: ___________________________
Entity DIRECTOR: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: __________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Email: ___________________________
Additional Employees/Volunteers:
Name Address Phone number
Will ENTITY / SHELTER “Foster out” Animals? YES NO
If yes, please provide names, addresses and phone numbers of those individuals (sub-registrants)
who will provide foster care for animals. Foster homes are subject to inspection when disease or
animal welfare concerns are reported. Also include foster care provider’s affiliations with any
rescue groups or leagues. **Provide updated Foster information as new fosters are added.**
(Use additional pages or lines on page SEVEN as necessary and update as needed)
Name Address Phone number
Page 5 of 8 Applicant Signature: ________________ Date: ___________
Per Section 1.8 (E) (1) (a) of the Rules and Regulations Governing the Importation of Animals (10/8/15),
the pre-import processing plan must reference, in detail, the housing conditions, any isolation
procedures, any vaccination procedures, any health screenings, and any disease
testing/treatment/or preventative measures that are taken prior to the animal(s) being transported
into Rhode Island.” (Use additional pages or lines on page SEVEN if necessary)
Housing conditions:
Isolation procedures (**Location and Duration**):
Vaccination procedures:
Age-based Vaccine schedule: PROVIDE INFO FOR ALL AGES OF CANINES and/or FELINES
Puppies/Kittens: _____________________________________________________________________
Adult Dog/Cats: _____________________________________________________________________
Other: _____________________________________________________________________________
Vaccine Producer(s) and Product(s):
Vaccines Administered by:
Health screenings:
Disease testing/treatment/or preventive measures:
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USDA / RI LICENSED CARRIER(S): (Use additional pages or lines on page SEVEN if necessary)
1) Name of CARRIER: ___________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: __________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Email: ___________________________
2) Name of CARRIER: ___________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: __________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Email: ___________________________
ALTERNATE TRANSPORT PLAN (For those not intending to use USDA licensed transport)
Rescue’s RI Contact must maintain MANIFEST and provide upon request.
Dog and Cat Importation Manifest
NOTE: This is a fillable PDF. All fields must be completed.
Vehicle Owner / Driver Name: _________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________________
Registration (plate # and state): ________________________________________________________
Vehicle Make and Model: _____________________________________________________________
NUMBER OF ANIMALS IN SHIPMENT: ______________________________________________
Features of the vehicle that will ensure adequate climate control in animal compartment: _______
Sanitation protocols for the conveyance: _________________________________________________
Mandatory Isolation Facility in Rhode Island (or other approved facility) where dogs/cats will be
held for FIVE (5) Days (minimum of 120 Hours) and examined by a veterinarian before being
placed with Foster or Adopter. DEM Animal Health Section must inspect and approve for
Isolation prior to use. Must be maintained and constructed according to Rules and Regulations
Governing Animal Care Facilities (6/20/16) (If using multiple Facilities, use additional pages)
Name of FACILITY: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town / City: ______________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: __________
Telephone: _______________________________________ Email: ___________________________
Page 7 of 8 Applicant Signature: ________________ Date: ___________
ATTACH A DETAILED FLOOR PLAN OF FACILITY (unless no “brick and mortar” facility in RI)
For out-of-state Category B Entities, provide plan for approved Rhode Island Isolation Facility.
This diagram should include ALL of the following as applies, including Dimensions:
Main Entrance Interior and exterior doors
Front desk or reception area Windows and vents
Location of rabies and spay/neuter logs Heating and/or cooling system
Location of Dog/Cat Intake/Disposition records Medical treatment room(s) (if applicable)
Cleaning Logs Waste receptacles (covered)
Indoor and outdoor runs or cages Drainage systems
Isolation or quarantine cages/runs/rooms Location of sprinklers or fire extinguishers
Refrigerator and/or freezer Posted emergency evacuation plan or map
Food storage
NOTE: REGISTRATION expires December 31
of each year.
It is the responsibility of the licensee to renew annually. No reminder will be sent.
* No annual fee required
* Use space provided above or additional paper to neatly list any additional information
* Complete form in its entirety (incomplete Applications will be returned until completed)
* Call Div. Of Agriculture /Animal Health with inquiries @ 401-222-2781 x4515
* Fax completed application to 401-222-6047 or
* Scan and email completed application to [email protected] or
* Sign, date as indicated and mail completed application to:
RI Department of Environmental Management
Division of Agriculture / Animal Health Section
235 Promenade St. / Rm. 370
Providence, RI 02908-5767
Signature below attests knowledge and understanding of the following laws and
Rhode Island General Laws:
-CHAPTER 4-1 Cruelty to Animals
-CHAPTER 4-4 Animal Diseases in General
-CHAPTER 4-19 Animal Care
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Rules and Regulations Governing Animal Care Facilities (6/20/16)
Rules and Regulations Governing the Importation of Animals (10/8/15)
Rules and Regulations Governing the Prevention, Control and Suppression of Rabies Within the
State of Rhode Island (2/25/16)
See Guidance & Instructions: Application for Rescues, Shelters, etc. for additional Forms,
Laws and Regulations that may apply.
Any change in the maximum number of animals, housing of animals, types of animals, configuration of
facility, etc., will require an amendment that must be approved by Animal Health prior to the change
being executed. New Sources of Animals, Fosters or changes in staff must be reported immediately.
Notification** Requirement per Section 1.8 (D) (5)
1.8 (D) General Requirements of all entities and carriers:
5. Must notify the Department of all expected shipments of dogs or cats being imported into the state as
to the time and location of the arrival of the shipments. Notification must be received by the Department
no less than 24 hours prior to arrival of the shipment.
**Effective November 2017, the only acceptable format is the “Rescues Import Notification” Form.
**Link to Form online and in Guidance Document:
Rescue Import Notification Form
MANAGER/ DIRECTOR (or equivalent) is responsible for employees, sub-
registrants and/ or volunteers being informed of and understanding laws,
regulations listed above and can attest that to the best of their knowledge, no
employee, volunteer or foster has ever been convicted of animal cruelty or
***Sign and Date bottom of each page***
Indicate Title(s) if different than those indicated.
Signature of Registrant Primary Contact: ___________________________________
PRINT Name and Title: _____________________________________Date:_________
Signature of Registrant MANAGER: _______________________________________
PRINT Name and Title: _____________________________________Date:_________
Signature of Registrant DIRECTOR: _______________________________________
PRINT Name and Title: _____________________________________Date:_________
2018 Rescue/Shelter/Broker App